Saturday, April 23, 2011


Our most challenging day yet. Two towns in a row had closed alberques forcing us onward. We were running on fumes by the time we hit the outskirts of Belerado. We purchased sheets for the second time. As soon as the door to our room was opened, we dove under the covers for a well earned knap  There are always consequences when changing the routine after checking in always shower first nap later. Upon awaking there was no hot water. So we will sleep stuck to our sheets. 

As Easter approaches, each town has it's way of celebrating whether in the church or on the streets. I will let Joan take care of the details. Our new plan is not to rely on small alberques. We were trying to avoid the big municipals, but perhaps we can't. You have to be one of the first to arrive even if it means waiting in line. Since there are only 4 burners for 50-100 people you have to purchase food before you arrive to be early in the cooking que. Best plan is to buy packaged soup to which you can add microwaved veggies. Mostly we go out to eat. 
Tomorrow we plan to nest our bods in st Juan de Ortega.   It is open for only 50 people. Stu

1 comment:

  1. Feliz Pascua! Wow What a journey keep the chronicle coming. What kind of shoes and socks you are wearing??? Safe travels
