Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Random thoughts

Walking for hours is a physical as well as a mind thing. I use walking poles to go up hills as well as keeping the pace along flats  I could not walk the camino without them. The real heroes of the trip are feet. To be marveled at. I have compeed bandaids on both the large toe and it's neighbor. Feet are different sizes my right being a little larger. I no longer use inner and outer socks to save some space. Once a foot gets gnarly, you are going to have to live with it changing dressings as showers, work their magic, eventually winning over the adhesive. Now the paths are mostly made of rocks of all sizes imbedded in dry clay. it is easy to bruise your instep adding an additional discomfort. I would advise firmer souls that don't tend to flex so much as mine. It always amazes me when you dont know how you will get through another day of walking with stretching and long 10 hours of rest and interrupted sleep the foot recovers. And another day begins at 6am. Now the brain wanders along. It never keeps a pace. It dwells on and enhances. Today my thoughts were of what was and what is. A time ago we walked through what remained of a 12 century convent the perfectly preserved stretched rectangular windows topped with filigreed arches and a rose window with all it's whirls intact calling out for a talented colored glass mason. What happened to this convent to leave only what was. The magnificent cathedral at Burgos we visited at service time. The pipes of both human and organ gloriously filled the air, shilling experience. We came back later to walk through the church only to find we would be charge 10 eur. I understand the need. I wish I was Plastic Man to reach back in time to give the money to the convent. We are pilgrims paying to enter a church should be at our descretion. We have to this point contributed to every church we have enter.  They are way needer. But, after all, that is what is. Stu

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