We are now in Ages just past St Juan de Ortega. We got here early and had the entire alberque to ourselves. Shower then wash clothes no kitchen and local store the size of a closet. There are two other private albergues all on the same side of street. Picture below. Lots of camaraderie. Now they are arriving in groups. It pays to be early arrivals. There is no way of knowing which albergues open early. It seems the ones in smaller towns that have an active bar and serve food will let you in early as they generally won't have a kitchen and they know you have walked for hours and don't mind paying for beverages and victuals.
Tomorrow we plan to set up in the albergue you recommended in Burgos. We have found our favorite food is one we never eat with such relish at home, salami. We have given up on bread because it is so dry. Instead we have found multiple grain toast like Melba toast. Sardines and clams in cans on toast plus drinking the olive oil from the can as an energy supplimentation. Small containers of honey and jam on toast, oranges and tangerines, apples, and chocolate comes in here somewhere. We nibble during the entire walk. I don't know if any one has figured the calorie burn per 10 miles at 3 miles per hour and any hill the camino wants to throw at you. I do know you will loose weight. Stu
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